Sunday 20 November 2016

Lazy sunday

I have a tendency of having super lazy weekends and this weekend was no different.

I'm currently lounging on the sofa watching friends and making some chicken soup for this weeks lunches. I did nothing today except for food shopping and I have no regrets.

During the week I feel exhausted, I wake up at 6am, leave for work by 7am (it takes roughly an hour to get to work).
I leave for work at 5pm, get home at 6pm and normally have to go get food shopping, clean and do laundry in the evenings.
By the time I sit down to watch TV I fall asleep and wake up the next morning to the same routine.

I am a firm believer of the more you do, the better you feel. I find that when I work out, clean or do something with my time I feel so much better. I love to craft so I find myself making wreaths/frames and all other bits of tat whilst I'm watching TV. It makes me feel so much more productive.

I'm looking forward to being busy over the next few weekends with some festive activities.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Health kick

I need to go on a serious health kick.

I have always been quite a slim so whenever I mention trying to be healthier or fitter I get the typical 'but you are already thin' or 'you will look too skinny'.

I want to feel healthier and fitter, I want to be able to run without nearly fainting or struggling to breath. I would like my body to be toned, to be stronger and to eat better foods.

So that is my aim, not to be skinnier.

I'm going to start with baby steps and only focus two things this coming week. I am going to drink more water and exercise twice. I also want to take a picture of my body now so that in a few months I can see my progress. (That is really out of my comfort zone, I don't even like selfies)

Saturday 5 November 2016

What I want to say on my wedding day

'In you I've found the love of my life and my closest, truest friend'
We are not writing our own vows (I would be far to emotional to say my own) but I love this quote, I think I will write this on a little note for him to read before we get married.

Thursday 3 November 2016

Seaside wedding

Pinterest is a god send....

Our wedding venue is down by the sea so naturally we are going for a seaside theme.

Here are some of my favourite images from pinterest, hopefully this will give you an idea on what my thoughts/plans are:

This last picture makes me smile because it our initals!! How funny.

Tuesday 1 November 2016

A lot has changed...

A lot has changed since my last wedding planning post.

The wedding is well underway and getting bigger and bigger by the minute. We have picked the most beautiful venue and are planning it for spring time.

The venue is a few hours from our flat so we took a little trip down to see it at the weekend and we finally decided on the exact location of the ceremony (there are a few options within the venue), a time and who will be attending the ceremony.

Due to licencing we can only have 25 people present at the ceremony venue so we are going to keep it parents and siblings only. Aunts,uncles and everyone else will be invited to the evening reception. It was a hard to come to that decision, as the venue is not local we don't want people to make the trip and then feel excluded.

Who knew wedding planning was so complicated?

Sunday 17 July 2016

Wedding planning

James and I are yet to officially set a date but I am starting to dip my toes into wedding planning.

We both want a small intimate wedding with only our family and don't want to spend a ton of money on a wedding, we would rather have a nice honeymoon.

I would love to get married in a church, I find them very peaceful and beautiful, I always imagined I would get married in a church. But running down to a registry office and getting married seems simple and easy.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Summer outfit ideas

Lately I find myself choosing plain and simple outfits. Whilst I love how comfy and casual they are I feel like I constantly look scruffy and like I have put no effort in.
Pinterest is the best for giving inspiration and below are some summer outfits I have fallen in love with. 
I adore the brown belt paired with this dress and whilst I cant see what shoes she is wearing I think brown wedges would look lovely.

I love this dress, I can image wearing this on a lovely beach holiday!

 These shorts are gorgeous!

The scarf is a beautiful contrast to the plain outfit, also trousers and long sleeves would suit a British summer.

Images from